Category: administration

IPv6 and DHCPv6

IPv6 and DHCPv6

In my endeavors to pass certification tests I learn all kinds of stuff that I think is cool to pass on.  I am learning about IPv6 and some of the in and outs of...

WordPress and permissions Error

WordPress and permissions Error

Today I was adding new security and plugins to my blog.  Once I got everything installed I decided to upgrade to the current version.  Well once I did this I saw no problems and...

Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows 7

Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows 7

Keyboard shortcuts are faster, easier, and more fluid than continuous mouse clicks, yet the real problem is figuring out what those shortcuts even are.  Microsoft has provided an article for Windows 7 that details...

Xampp and Virtual Hosts

Xampp and Virtual Hosts

In the process of setting up my web server to host my blog and web page I was trying to figure out how to make this work.  After consulting an Apache manual it gave...