Category: Tech

Windows 7 Shortcut keys

Windows 7 Shortcut keys

This post is a very extensive list of Windows shortcut keys.   These shortcuts are often passed on from version to version so many of these will work on various versions of Windows.  First lets...

Roundcube is a great interface for your webmail

Roundcube is a great interface for your webmail

I have been running a mail server for years now and used Squirrel Mail as the web interface.  I like Squirrel Mail but I wanted to change the interface to something a little more...

Zarafa a Linux based Exchange replacement

Zarafa a Linux based Exchange replacement

I have been messing around with Zarafa for a few weeks and it is a really cool email  server without all of the cost.  Zarafa is the MS Exchange replacement for Linux servers, which...

EBox Server in Version 1.4

EBox Server in Version 1.4

eBox Technologies has released version 1.4 of its Linux server for small to medium sized enterprises.  eBox Platform found at, is a unified network server that offers easy and efficient computer network management...

Microsoft’s New Phone OS

Microsoft’s New Phone OS

Microsoft on Monday announced its next-generation mobile operating system Windows Phone 7 Series, which will bring together the Zune multimedia experience and Xbox Live gaming to mobile phones worldwide.  The phone OS is a...