Possibly the power plant of the future Bloom Box

The Sunnyvale, Calif.-based company officially announce on Wednesday what it calls the Bloom Box.  In an interview Sunday on 60 Minutes.  The goal is to get businesses, and eventually consumers, off the transmission line grid and deliver power at a much lower cost with zero emissions.

The Bloom Box is a fuel cell that is about the size of a red brick.  It produces electricity when oxygen is fed into the fuel cell on one side and fuel on the other.  It can use natural gas or some other kind of gas such as land fill gas, or bio gas.  There was a mention about using solar as well but they didn’t go into any details.  It is made of sea sand plates painted with some special paint on each side and then placed in between a metal plates.  These small box shaped cells are placed inside the power plant and fed the fuel to create the power.  They are currently used by companies such as Google, Ebay, and Fed-Ex.  So these little pieces of wonder do work but they still are too expensive for home use.  The boxes that companies buy cost between $700,000 and $800,000 but  the goal is to make them available to the average person for less than $3,000.  I am impressed with this little piece of tech and can’t wait to see if they actually gets off the ground.  Here are some more pics of the future.

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1 Response

  1. avatar Jasiek Pyzak says:

    Znając życie, nie uwierzę w życiu, że coś co kosztuje 800 tys. dolarów, będzie kosztowało 3000$. Chyba, że za 20 lat, gdy wszyscy będą to już mieli:-)))

    Google translation:

    Knowing the force, do not believe in life that something that costs 800 thousand. dollars, will cost $ 3000. I guess that in 20 years when everyone will already have

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